
Symposia, mini-courses and conferences without proceedings

  • Invited talk ``Bilevel optimization for automated data-driven inverse problem resolution’’ (slides)
    B. Pascal, N. Pustelnik, P. Abry, V. Vidal, and S. Vaiter,
    Mathematics and Image Analysis conference MIA’25, Paris, France, January 13-15 2025.
  • Contributed talk ``Proximal-Langevin samplers for nonsmooth composite posteriors: Application to the estimation of Covid19 reproduction number’’ (slides)
    P. Abry, J. Chevallier, G. Fort, B. Pascal, N. Pustelnik,
    UQ for Inverse Problems and Imaging (UQIPI24), ICMS, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, September 16-20 2024.
  • Invited talk ``Bilevel optimization for automated data-driven inverse problem resolution’’ (slides)
    B. Pascal, N. Pustelnik, P. Abry, V. Vidal, and S. Vaiter,
    Learning and Optimization In Luminy (LOL), Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques, Marseille, France, June 17-21 2024.
  • Invited talk ``Texture segmentation based on fractal attributes using convex functional minimization with generalized Stein formalism for automated regularization parameter selection’’ (slides)
    B. Pascal, N. Pustelnik, P. Abry, V. Vidal, and S. Vaiter,
    Summer School on Harmonic and Multifractal Analyses: from Mathematics to Quantitative Neuroscience, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Montréal, Canada, July 3-14 2023.
  • Invited talk ``Proximal schemes for the estimation of the reproduction number of Covid19 pandemic: from convex optimization to Monte Carlo sampling’’ (slides)
    B. Pascal, G. Fort, N. Pustelnik, and P. Abry,
    Workshop on Variational approaches for signal and image processing, Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Lyon, Lyon, France, November 18 2022.
  • Invited talk ``Texture segmentation based on fractal attributes using convex functional minimization with generalized Stein formalism for automated regularization parameter selection’’ (slides)
    B. Pascal, N. Pustelnik, S. Vaiter and P. Abry,
    French-Italian workshop on the Mathematics of Imaging, Vision and their Applications MIA-MIVA, Sophia-Antiplois, France, September 12-14 2022.
  • Mini-course ``Point processes and spatial statistics in time-frequency analysis’’, (slides, codes)
    B. Pascal, and R. Bardenet,
    Stochastic Geometry Days, Dunkerque, France, November 15-19 2021.
  • Poster presentation ``Joint estimation of local variance and local regularity for texture segmentation’’ (poster)
    B. Pascal, N. Pustelnik, and P. Abry,
    Curves and Surfaces, Arcachon, France, June 28 au 4 July 4 2018.
  • Mini-symposium presentation ``Combining Local Regularity Estimation and Total Variation Optimization for Scale-Free Texture Segmentation’’ (slides)
    B. Pascal, N. Pustelnik, and P. Abry,
    SIAM IS, Bologna, Italy, June 5-8 2018.

Invited seminars

  1. Séminaire Cristolien d’Analyse Multifractale (SCAM), Université Paris-Est Créteil, Créteil
    ``Detection of change in cancer breast tissues from fractal indicators: A brief introduction’’ (slides)
    January 23, 2025. Organizers: Stéphane Seuret and Stéphane Jaffard.
  2. Séminaire de l’équipe SIGMA, CRIStAL Lille
    ``The Kravchuk transform: A novel covariant representation for discrete signals amenable to zero-based detection tests’’ (slides)
    December 4, 2024. Organizer: Vincent Itier.
  3. Journées Textures de l’ANR Mistic, Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Bretagne Atlantique (LBMA), Vannes, France
    ``Detection of change in cancer breast tissues from fractal indicators: A brief introduction’’ (slides)
    October 10-11, 2024. Organizer: Claire Launay.
  4. Maths-Signal seminar, Institut de Recherche en Informatique, Mathématiques, Automatique et Signal (IRIMAS), Mulhouse, France
    ``The Kravchuk transform: a novel covariant representation for discrete signals amenable to zero-based detection tests’’ (slides)
    June 5, 2024. Organizer: Nicolas Juillet.
  5. Bio-Maths working group, Institut Denis Poisson (IDP), Tours, France
    ``Proximal schemes for the estimation of the reproduction number of Covid19: From convex optimization to Monte Carlo sampling’’ (slides)
    January 25, 2024. Organizers: Sten Madec, Vincent Perrollaz.
  6. Signal and image processing seminar, Laboratory for Integration from Material to System (IMS), Bordeaux, France
    ``Proximal schemes for the estimation of the reproduction number of Covid19: From convex optimization to Monte Carlo sampling’’ (slides)
    October 19, 2023. Organizer: Pascal Vallet.
  7. Probability and statistics seminar, Institut Élie Cartan de Lorraine (IECL), Nancy, France
    ``The Kravchuk transform: a novel covariant representation for discrete signals amenable to zero-based detection tests’’ (slides)
    June 8, 2023. Organizers: Ulysse Herbach, Edouard Strickler.
  8. Journées ANR Mistic, Mathématiques Appliquées à Paris 5 (MISTIC), France
    ``Texture segmentation based on fractal attributes’’ (slides)
    April 7, 2023. Organizers: Jonathan Vacher & Mariem Abaach.
  9. Séminaire Données et Aléatoire Théorie & Applications, Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann (LJK), Grenoble, France
    ``Proximal schemes for the estimation of the reproduction number of Covid19: From convex optimization to Monte Carlo sampling’’ (slides)
    April 6, 2023. Organizer: Kévin Polisano.
  10. Applied mathematics seminar, Laboratoire de Mathématiques Jean Leray (LMJL), Nantes, France
    ``The Kravchuk transform: a novel covariant representation for discrete signals amenable to zero-based detection tests’’ (slides)
    November 29, 2022. Organizer: Aymeric Stamm.
  11. Probability, Statistics and Applications seminar, Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications (LMA), Poitiers, France
    ``The Kravchuk transform: a novel covariant representation for discrete signals amenable to zero-based detection tests’’ (slides)
    November 24, 2022. Organizers: Farida Enikeeva, Sandrine Dallaporta.
  12. Probability and statistics team seminar, Laboratoire J.-A. Dieudonné (LJAD), Nice, France
    ``The Kravchuk transform: a novel covariant representation for discrete signals amenable to zero-based detection tests’’ (slides)
    October 18, 2022. Organizer: Damien Garreau.
  13. Machine Learning and Signal Processing seminar, Laboratoire de Physique de l’ENS Lyon (LP-ENSL), Lyon, France
    ``Generalized time-frequency transforms and their zeros’’ (slides)
    September 28, 2022. Organizer: Titouan Vayer.
  14. Seminar of SIMUL team, Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy (CRAN), France
    ``The Kravchuk transform: a novel covariant representation for discrete signals amenable to zero-based detection tests’’ (slides)
    July 12, 2022. Organizer: Julien Flamant.
  15. Signal and Machine Learning seminar, Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M), France
    ``The Kravchuk transform: a novel covariant representation for discrete signals amenable to zero-based detection tests’’ (slides)
    March 18, 2022. Organizer: Caroline Chaux.
  16. Workshop on Point Processes and Applications, CRIStAL & Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, University of Lille
    ``The Kravchuk transform: a novel covariant representation for discrete signals amenable to zero-based detection tests’’ (slides)
    March 11, 2022. Organizers: Mylène Maida et Michaël Fanuel.
  17. Groupe de travail Image, Mathématiques Appliquées à Paris 5 (MAP5), Université de Paris
    ``Analyse de données non stationnaires : représentations, théorie, algorithmes et applications.’’ (slides)
    March 7, 2022. Organizer: Rémy Abergel.
  18. Seminar of the Géométrie, Apprentissage, Information, Algorithmes (GAIA) pole, GISPA-Lab, Grenoble
    ``Processing nonstationary data: representations, theory, algorithms and application’’ (slides)
    December 16, 2021. Organizer: Guillaume Becq.
  19. Seminar of the Signal IMage et Son (SIMS) team, LS2N, Nantes, France ``Processing nonstationary data: representations, theory, algorithms and applications’’ (slides)
    December 10, 2021. Organizer: Clément Huneau.
  20. Séminaire de Statistique et Optimisation, Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse
    ``Texture segmentation based on fractal attributes using convex functional minimization with generalized Stein formalism for automated regularization parameter selection’’ (slides)
    October 12, 2021. Organizers: Mélisande Albert, Adrien Mazoyer and Pierre Weiss.
  21. Workshop on Point Processes and Applications, CRIStAL & Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, University of Lille, France
    ``A link between Majorana Stellar representation of pure spin states and Coulomb gas on the sphere” (slides)
    May 28, 2021. Organizer: Mylène Maida.
  22. Séminaire Cristolien d’Analyse Multifractale (SCAM), Centre de Mathématiques, Créteil
    ``Segmentation de textures à partir d’attributs fractals par minimisation de fonctionnelle, avec réglage automatique des hyperparamètres’’ (slides)
    February 4, 2021. Organizers: Stéphane Jaffard and Stéphane Seuret.
  23. Séminaire Signal et Image, Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille (I2M)
    ``Texture segmentation based on fractal attributes using convex functional minimization with generalized Stein formalism for automated regularization parameter selection.’’ (slides)
    November 27, 2020. Organizer: Caroline Chaux.
  24. Séminaire Image, Optimisation et Probabilités (IOP), Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux
    ``How scale-free texture segmentation turns out to be a strongly convex optimization problem?’’ (slides)
    March 12th, 2020. Organizers: Arthur Leclaire and Camille Male.
  25. Séminaire de l’équipe SIGMA, CRIStAL Lille
    ``How scale-free texture segmentation turns out to be a strongly convex optimization problem?’’ (slides)
    March 3, 2020. Organizers: Pierre-Antoine Thouvenin and Vincent Itier.
  26. Image and Signal Processing Seminars, ICTEAM, Université Catholique de Louvain
    ``How scale-free texture segmentation turns out to be a strongly convex optimization problem?’’ (slides)
    December 10, 2020. Organizer: Laurent Jacques.

Presentation in research groups

  1. Presentation of the paper ``Empirical Bayesian image restoration by Langevin sampling with a denoising diffusion implicit prior” (arXiv,slides)
    Reading group of the research team of R.Bardenet
    December 4, 2024
  2. Presentation of the paper ``Algorithmes proximaux rapides déroulés pour l’analyse d’images fractales homogènes par morceaux” (hal,slides)
    Machine Learning reading group of SIMS team
    December 6, 2022
  3. Presentation of the paper ``Quasi Monte Carlo Time-Frequency Analysis” (arXiv,slides)
    Reading group of the research team of R.Bardenet
    May 12, 2021
  4. Presentation of the paper ``Free fermions and α-determinantal processes” (arXiv,slides)
    Reading group of the research team of R.Bardenet
    November 12, 2020